Notice: Function wp_add_inline_style was called incorrectly. Do not pass <style> tags to wp_add_inline_style(). Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.7.0.) in /home/a1sitera/ on line 6114


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Red Art v2.2 a Creative & Artistic Portfolio WordPress Theme. Websites like artist portfolio, art gallery, photography, personal or creative art, Sculpture artist, designers, collectors, art gallery, photography school, Art school, Handcraft website, and photography presentation, body paint, tattoo artist websites can be created.
Red Art | Artist Portfolio - 2

Change Log

2020.10.21 – version 2.2

* Compatible with wordpress 5.5.1
* Updated: Coming soon enabled sticky menu issue
* Updated: Notice errors
* Updated: Fatal error on other theme activation
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Updated: RTL Language compatible
* Updated: Woocommerce latest version
* Updated: Tabs not showing in VC
* Updated: Header woocommerce cart count issue

2020.08.14 – version 2.1

* Compatible with wordpress 5.5

2020.08.10 – version 2.0

* Updated: All premium plugins
* Updated: Editor Background color
* Updated: Topbar background color
* Updated: Social icons sorting in bpanel
* Updated: Sticky Menu issue
* Updated: Importer option removed from buddhapanel
* Updated: Portfolio 3 column not working
* Updated: Iphone click issue
* Added: Load more option for portfolio shortcode

2020.07.31 – version 1.9

* Updated: Envato Theme check
* Updated: sanitize_text_field added
* Updated: All wordpress theme standards
* Updated: All premium plugins

2020.06.22 – version 1.8.3

* Compatible with wordpress 5.3
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Updated: All wordpress theme standards
* Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept
* Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types
* Updated: Demo Content

* Fixed: Google Analytics issue
* Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue
* Fixed: Privacy Button Issue
* Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version

* Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio
* Improved: Single product breadcrumb section
* Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts

2019.08.26 – version 1.8.2

* Compatible with WordPress 5.2.2
* Updated: All premium plugins
* Updated: Revisions added to portfolio post type
* Updated: Gutenberg editor support for portfolio post type
* Updated: Link for phone number module
* Updated: Online documentation link, check readme file

* Fixed: Google Analytics issue
* Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue
* Fixed: Gutenberg check for old WordPress version
* Fixed: Edit with Visual Composer for portfolio
* Fixed: Smooth scrolling in ie 11

* Improved: Single product breadcrumb section
* Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio
* Improved: Woocommerce cart module added with custom class option

* New: Whatsapp Shortcode

2019.06.28 – version 1.8.1

* Fixed - Same page post grid and portfolio items issue
* Fixed - Same page recent post and masonry grid issue

2019.06.20 – version 1.8

* Gutenberg Latest update compatible
* Fixed - Mailchimp Issue
* Fixed - GDPR Product single page comment box issue
* Updated wpml xml file
* Updated latest version of all third party plugins
* Updated - language pot files
* Some design tweaks

2018.12.28 – version 1.7

 * Gutenberg compatible
 * Latest wordpress version 5.0.2 compatible
 * Updated latest version of all third party plugins
 * Updated documentation

2018.10.08 – version 1.6

* GDPR Update
* Updated all third party plugins
* Documentation updated

2018.02.21 – version 1.5

* Bulk Install TGM plugin issue fixed
 * Portfolio filter animation issue fixed
 * All theme function updated for child theme support
 * Option to change site title color
 * Unyson pagebuilder disabled with conflict of VC
 * Social shortcode target attribute added
 * Nav menu plugin support added
 * Smile font default css missing fixed
 * retina.js removed for image missing issue
 * Updated all third party plugins
 * BPanel color option issue fixed
 * Menu disable link option issue fixed
 * WordPress 4.9.4 compatible
 * Some design tweaks updated

2017.08.04 – version 1.4

 * BPanel menu color options issue fixed
 * Post comments showing issue fixed
 * Portfolio overlay issue on IOS fixed
 * Updated all third parthy plugins
 * Shop page category display issue fixed
 * Woocommerce 4.8.1 compatible
 * Some design tweaks updated

2017.05.03 – version 1.3

 * Few shortcodes issues fixed
 * Some missing texts updated for translation
 * Updated latest version of all third party plugins
 * Woocommerce 3.0 compatible
 * Visual Composer 5.1.1 compatible
 * Some design tweaks updated
 * Few php warnings fixed
 * Few latest scripts updated

2016.10.06 – version 1.2

 * Dummy data content optimized
 * SSL compatible updated
 * Global page layout option updated
 * Mailchimp updated to latest api 3.0
 * Fontawesome css updated
 * Updated latest version of all third party plugins
 * Dummy content importer updated
 * Unyson importer plugin included
 * Some design tweaks updated

2016.07.18 – version 1.1

 * Dummy content files updated
 * New demos included (Aquarium, Bike, Fitness, Model & Wine)
 * Ultimate addons plugin compatibility

2016.07.12 – version 1.0

 * First release!

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