tags to wp_add_inline_style()
. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.7.0.) in /home/a1sitera/digicodi.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 61142020.10.21 – version 2.2
* Compatible with wordpress 5.5.1 * Updated: Coming soon enabled sticky menu issue * Updated: Notice errors * Updated: Fatal error on other theme activation * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: RTL Language compatible * Updated: Woocommerce latest version * Updated: Tabs not showing in VC * Updated: Header woocommerce cart count issue
2020.08.14 – version 2.1
* Compatible with wordpress 5.5
2020.08.10 – version 2.0
* Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: Editor Background color * Updated: Topbar background color * Updated: Social icons sorting in bpanel * Updated: Sticky Menu issue * Updated: Importer option removed from buddhapanel * Updated: Portfolio 3 column not working * Updated: Iphone click issue * Added: Load more option for portfolio shortcode
2020.07.31 – version 1.9
* Updated: Envato Theme check * Updated: sanitize_text_field added * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: All premium plugins
2020.06.22 – version 1.8.3
* Compatible with wordpress 5.3 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Updated: Demo Content * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Privacy Button Issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts
2019.08.26 – version 1.8.2
* Compatible with WordPress 5.2.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: Revisions added to portfolio post type * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for portfolio post type * Updated: Link for phone number module * Updated: Online documentation link, check readme file * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old WordPress version * Fixed: Edit with Visual Composer for portfolio * Fixed: Smooth scrolling in ie 11 * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Woocommerce cart module added with custom class option * New: Whatsapp Shortcode
2019.06.28 – version 1.8.1
* Fixed - Same page post grid and portfolio items issue * Fixed - Same page recent post and masonry grid issue
2019.06.20 – version 1.8
* Gutenberg Latest update compatible * Fixed - Mailchimp Issue * Fixed - GDPR Product single page comment box issue * Updated wpml xml file * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Updated - language pot files * Some design tweaks
2018.12.28 – version 1.7
* Gutenberg compatible * Latest wordpress version 5.0.2 compatible * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Updated documentation
2018.10.08 – version 1.6
* GDPR Update * Updated all third party plugins * Documentation updated
2018.02.21 – version 1.5
* Bulk Install TGM plugin issue fixed * Portfolio filter animation issue fixed * All theme function updated for child theme support * Option to change site title color * Unyson pagebuilder disabled with conflict of VC * Social shortcode target attribute added * Nav menu plugin support added * Smile font default css missing fixed * retina.js removed for image missing issue * Updated all third party plugins * BPanel color option issue fixed * Menu disable link option issue fixed * WordPress 4.9.4 compatible * Some design tweaks updated
2017.08.04 – version 1.4
* BPanel menu color options issue fixed * Post comments showing issue fixed * Portfolio overlay issue on IOS fixed * Updated all third parthy plugins * Shop page category display issue fixed * Woocommerce 4.8.1 compatible * Some design tweaks updated
2017.05.03 – version 1.3
* Few shortcodes issues fixed * Some missing texts updated for translation * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Woocommerce 3.0 compatible * Visual Composer 5.1.1 compatible * Some design tweaks updated * Few php warnings fixed * Few latest scripts updated
2016.10.06 – version 1.2
* Dummy data content optimized * SSL compatible updated * Global page layout option updated * Mailchimp updated to latest api 3.0 * Fontawesome css updated * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Dummy content importer updated * Unyson importer plugin included * Some design tweaks updated
2016.07.18 – version 1.1
* Dummy content files updated * New demos included (Aquarium, Bike, Fitness, Model & Wine) * Ultimate addons plugin compatibility
2016.07.12 – version 1.0
* First release!