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WP Frontend Admin (Premium) v1.10.0 Best Seller plugin for Creating Frontend Dashboards for WaaS/SaaS services and Frontend Management of WordPress sites. Display admin pages in the Frontend with One Click. Convert WordPress plugins into Web Apps Quickly.

Change Log

= 1.10.0 - 2020-09-15 =
* NEW - Allow to use one global dashboard for the entire wpmu network
* NEW - Allow cross domain pages
* NEW - Add support for Brizy page builder
* NEW - Added new shortcodes
* NEW - Spanish translation
* NEW - Add support for lazy loaded or late shortcode rendering
* NEW - Added support for Gravity Forms and Gravity Views
* NEW - Added option to change loading animation
* NEW - Added global replacements feature
* NEW - Compatibility with MailPoet
* NEW - Allow regex for global replacements
* CHANGE - Improve the admin content look
* CHANGE - Add option to disable the logout redirection
* CHANGE - Don't apply text changes to the backend when the admin is viewing it
* CHANGE - Improve the integration with WPUltimo
* CHANGE - Improve the wpmu suport
* CHANGE - Prevent mistakes in the whitelisted URLs
* CHANGE - Improve handling of settings page in the wpmu context
* FIX - Fixed iframe flickering issue on mobile scroll event
* FIX - Edit link doesn't work sometimes
* FIX - "Edit text" doesn't work some times
* FIX - Added support for Divi's frontend editor
* FIX - Wrong height when viewing WooCommerce pages in a narrow window

= 1.9.1 - 2020-03-27 =
* FIX - Small error caused by some themes

= 1.9.0 - 2020-03-15 =
* NEW - Allow to restrict post types
* NEW - Allow to deactivate the full screen mode for specific pages
* CHANGE - Apply the "show your own posts" feature only from published pages
* CHANGE - Apply the "columns manager" feature only from published pages
* CHANGE - Apply the "change texts" feature only from published pages
* CHANGE - Load the "failed login" handlers when the request is not using ajax to make it work with other themes/plugins
* CHANGE - Change texts - Ignore text changes when the "search" part contains less than 4 characters to prevent wrong replacements
* CHANGE - Prevent confusion when the settings page doesn't load if redux framework is not activated
* CHANGE - Prevent wrong settings in the access restrictions option
* CHANGE - Remove the css selector when highlighting elements with the "hide element" tool
* FIX - Compatibility issue with the Brizi builder
* FIX - The user edit page is blacklisted even if it's allowed in the access restrictions
* FIX - Compatibility issue with the "translatepress" plugin
* FIX - We don't know the capability required by taxonomy pages
* FIX - Error when opening links if the wp-admin url was changed
* FIX - Compatibility error with "Toolset > content templates > add new" option

= 1.8.2 - 2020-01-10 =
* NEW - Add lazy_load parameter to shortcode for loading the admin content only when it's visible in the page
* NEW - Add support for MaterialWP from NextPress
* CHANGE - Don't show the quick settings when editing the page with elementor
* CHANGE - Table columns manager - Remove columns using a different filter to make it compatible with all the plugins
* CHANGE - Add class vgfa-full-screen-activated to the body tag so people can style the page differently when the full screen mode is activated
* CHANGE - Show own posts module - Don't apply the restrictions to requests from guests, logged in users who can't edit posts, ajax, and cron requests to prevent issues
* CHANGE - The "view on the frontend" link in the backend sometimes doesn't have the html class so use the ID instead
* CHANGE - Show the admin content only when it finished loading
* CHANGE - Improve the "edit texts" tool to allow editing on mouseover, to make it work on metabox titles and buttons that open popups where we can't select the element with a click
* FIX - Edit texts tool - When you open the page with edited texts and save without changing anything, the text edits are lost
* FIX - The login doesn't work when using the Theme My Login plugin.
* FIX - When we have a frontend page for a custom post type, and we try to view the "posts" post type on the frontend it shows the wrong custom post type
* FIX - The /wp-admin/ url is detected as an empty path

= 1.8.1 - 2019-11-11 =
* CHANGE - Allow to display custom page instead of the wp die page when users don't have the right capabilities
* CHANGE - Quick settings - Allow to hide wp-admin notices
* CHANGE - Add support for Dokan access restrictions
* CHANGE - Open the gutenberg editor full screen
* CHANGE- wp-admin - logo should link to our website, not the checkout page
* FIX - Position issue with the search input for posts on mobile
* FIX - When scrolling up and down on iphone, the content jumps
* FIX - Wrong url encoding in rare cases
* FIX - Problem when loading the wp-login.php page from a redirection of a custom login page
* INTERNAL - Add option to disable the friendly frontend message indicating the needed capabilities or roles "You need more permissions to view this page"

= 1.8.0 - 2019-10-11 =
* NEW - Add advanced option to redirect users to create new post after publishing a post
* NEW - Add option to disable the "move of frontend page to the main window"
* NEW - Add option to edit texts in the frontend editor
* NEW - Add option to replace the post edit/create screen with direct elementor editor
* NEW - Add option to show any URL keywords as full screen
* NEW - Add option to show posts created by the current user only
* NEW - Add shortcode for showing the login form: [wp_frontend_admin_login_form redirect_to=""]
* NEW - Added option to settings page to add custom JS for advanced customizations
* NEW - Detect pages with lists of posts and allow to disable table columns in the frontend editor
* CHANGE - Prevent errors when users use backward/forward quotes in the shortcode
* CHANGE - When a login attempt fails, redirect to our custom login page instead of the wp-login page
* CHANGE - When a user logs out, redirect to our custom login page (or home if the custom login page is not defined) instead of sending to the wp-login page
* FIX - Allow frontend pages in iframes on wp-admin pages (don't redirect them to the main window, only redirect frontend pages in iframes on frontend pages)
* FIX - Improve the update of the admin content height when the content changes
* FIX - Remove blank space below the admin content inherited from the admin css
* FIX - The custom css doesn't work when viewing the customizer in the frontend
* FIX - The free version doesn't allow the posts list when the shortcode URL is not "edit.php" exactly
* INTERNAL - Added filter vg_admin_to_frontend/open_frontend_pages_in_main_window to control which pages are opened in the main window and which pages can be opened inside the iframe

== 1.7.0 - 2019-08-19 ==
NEW - Add option to define the frontend dashboard URL
NEW - Add option to set login page and redirect to login page instead of showing the inline login form
NEW - Automatically redirect direct wp-admin pages to the frontend dashboard equivalent
CHANGE - Allow using the quick settings section on full-screen pages
CHANGE - Automatically redirect the restricted pages to the frontend dashboard
CHANGE - Don't apply access restrictions on the settings page of the plugin when viewed by administrators to let them change settings if they get locked out
CHANGE - Don't show the "global pages" metabox for non-administrators
CHANGE - Don't show the "view on the frontend" toolbar option for non-administrators
CHANGE - Open the wpforms editor full screen
CHANGE - Update content height when the window is resized
FIX - Access restriction option blocks all URLs when the site uses https
FIX - Added compatibility for formidable forms- open the form editor in full screen
FIX - Ignore weird tags found in the admin page title when generating the frontend page title

== 1.6.1 - 2019-07-13 ==
NEW - Added option to hide all wp-admin notices on the frontend
CHANGE - Added compatibility with jQuery 3
CHANGE - Global pages - Clear elementor's css cache after pages are copied
CHANGE - Hide admin bar on the frontend only for non-master users
CHANGE - Notify in the welcome page when the admin URL and frontend URL use a different protocol (https vs http) to prevent issues
CHANGE - Override the "edit post" link from the "wp user frontend" plugin to use our own frontend editor
CHANGE - Some wp-admin pages don't load our backend.js file, so we automatically insert it from the frontend page in those cases
CHANGE - Replace the "edit" link in the frontend to edit elementor posts and pages with elementor in full screen mode
FIX - Multisite - When we activate the "hide admin bar" option, the frontend pages show an error 5xx
FIX - When using the frontend page, the tinymce plugins don't insert content into the tinymce editor
FIX - When we view pages as admin, it creates duplicate "edit" pages when generating the "edit" link in the frontend

== 1.6.0 - 2019-06-26 ==
NEW - Add option to auto scroll towards custom popups when the popups are opened
NEW - Add option to restrict the wp-admin pages to predefined whitelisted URLs and redirect the other URLs to the home
NEW - Add option to synchronize pages in multisite network so we can update dashboard pages from any site and sync changes to the pages on all sites.
NEW - Added option "allow_any_url" to the shortcode to allow displaying external pages or from other subsites or other frontend pages
NEW - Added option to define a demo account and auto login users with the demo credentials
NEW - Added option to hide system pages containing our shortcode to prevent normal users from editing them in the frontend dashboard
NEW - Added option use_desktop_in_mobile to the shortcode to use the desktop version on mobile devices when the admin page is not responsive
NEW - Automatically redirect frontend pages loaded from inside the iframe to the parent window
NEW - Multisite - Added option to use global settings from the main site
CHANGE - Added fallback to the admin JS to load custom CSS from the frontend page when it's available, to add compatibility to admin pages that don't support query strings
CHANGE - ELEMENTOR - When using the elementor editor on the frontend, open it in full screen
CHANGE - Multisite - Automatically use the backend URL of the current site without having to update the shortcode
FIX - Error when viewing the post editor on a mobile device - content width was cut in half
FIX - When we upload files on the wp media page in the frontend, the loading indicator doesn't appear when the url contains a query string
FIX - When we used the Gutenberg editor in the frontend, the editor was 80px tall
FIX - When we view an admin page in the frontend, which requires higher permissions, the loading indicator never disappears

== 1.5.2 - 2019-04-15 ==
NEW - Added compatibility with Elementor to create/edit pages in the frontend completely.
NEW - Added allow_single_post_edit parameter to the shortcode to allow to create a frontend page that edits a single post directly.
FIX - Sometimes tinymce urlencodes the url and it breaks the frontend load, so we use urldecode to prevent that
Other small tweaks.

== 1.5.1 - 2019-03-04 ==
NEW - Added shortcode: [vg_display_edit_link] to display edit link on any post or page and open the frontend editor
CHANGE - Quick settings - Indicate what user roles and capabilities can view a page to facilitate the setup of user roles and capabilities.
CHANGE - Frontend page - When the user gets "You're not allowed to view this page", show instructions on how to setup the right capabilities and user roles because this page is being viewed by an admin.
CHANGE - Updated to freemius v2.2.4.
FIX - Minor PHP warning.
Other small tweaks.

== 1.5.0 - 2018-12-08 ==
NEW - Quick settings - Add "Remove element" tool to hide elements from the admin page on the frontend by point-and-clicking
NEW - Added compatibility with wpforms > entries page
NEW - Added support for Cloudflare's Rocket Loader
CHANGE - Updated plugin logo on wp-admin and wp.org
CHANGE - Allow to disable the quick settings bar
CHANGE - Display the quick settings as a left column so it looks better on any theme and simpler to use
FIX - When the admin page loads on the frontend, the admin menu/bar appears for a second
FIX - jQuery missing when the quick settings load before jquery loads

== 1.4.2 - 2018-10-22 ==
CHANGE - Auto select the unlimited sites license on the upgrade page in multisite installs
CHANGE - Quick settings - Add link to get support
FIX - JS Error when we click a wp-admin link that doesn't have url
FIX - When a frontend page contains hashes in the url, the admin page is reloaded needlessly
FIX - View on the frontend - toolbar generates shortcode with wrong url in multisite installs

== 1.4.1 - 2018-10-07 ==
NEW. Added parameter to shortcode: allowed_roles , allowed_user_ids , required_capabilities for tweaking admin page permissions.
NEW. Added quick settings bar to the frontend page to let you change title, url slug, template, and add to menu quickly.
CHANGE. Improved the "post edit" link option (it used to duplicate the "edit" link, now it uses the same link added by the theme, but with the frontend url instead of the backend url).

== 1.4.0 - 2018-09-23 ==
NEW. Add option to settings page to display "edit" link below posts in the frontend, and open the frontend editor
CHANGE. Enabled free trials
CHANGE. Improved the onboarding process
CHANGE. Now the forward_parameters is enabled by default
FIX. When the admin page loads before the frontend page, the loading indicator remains visible forever.

== 1.3.0 - 2018-09-04 ==
NEW. Added option "View in frontend" to the toolbar and autocreate required page with the shortcode
NEW. Added loading indicator while the frontend page loads and while navigating between admin pages in the frontend.
FIX. When we click a frontend link inside the iframe, open it outside the iframe

== 1.2.3 - 2018-08-11 ==
CHANGE. Removed premium plugin trials.

== 1.2.2 - 2018-07-25 ==
FIX. Welcome page. The settings button links to the wrong url.
CHANGE. Welcome page. Added a list of tutorials and some other small changes.

== 1.2.1 - 2018-07-24 ==
CHANGE. Enabled free trials for the premium version for 7 days.

== 1.2.0 - 2018-07-21 ==
NEW. Added forward_parameters parameter to the shortcode.
NEW. Added variable {{user_id}} to use in the shortcode url.

== 1.1.0 - 2018-06-10 ==
NEW. Added option to hide the admin bar on frontend.
NEW. Added shortcode to display logout link.
NEW. Display login form when the user is not logged in, instead of linking to the wp login page.
CHANGE. Updated Freemius SDK.

== 1.0.1 - 2018-05-13 ==
FIX. When you navigate in the admin page from the frontend, sometimes it appears a blank space below the page content in the frontend.
== 1.0.0 - 2018-03-25 ==
Initial release

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