AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme is an Elementor page building premium AJAX WordPress theme. It is ideal for interior designers, landscape designers, architects and scenic designers who want a smart luxury touch on their innovative portfolios. This Cassio Theme focuses on the elegant look and meaning to amaze the guests. It features a wide variety of grids and sliders to highlight the best portfolio projects.The Cassio Nulled WordPress Theme supports smooth transitions to AJAX typography. The title you press will travel and land smoothly on the next page to offer a smooth moving experience. It’s an exclusive Cassio-feature that other innovative WordPress-themes you would probably not find.
1. Typographic AJAX Transitions
Speedy Pages Navigation without Page Refresh
Exclusive Flying Headings Transitions
AJAX Compatibility with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Yandex Metrika
Custom AJAX Code to Init for Advanced Users
2. Smooth Motion Effects
WebGL Distortion Transitions
Direction Aware Slider Transitions
Reveal Text Animations
Smooth Page Scrolling
Parallax Videos & Images
Mouse Cursor Follower
Sticky Header
3. Fluid Typography
Smooth Font Size Scale from Desktop to Mobile screens
Complete Control per each Heading from Customizer
Google Fonts Support
Adobe TypeKit Support
Self-hosted Custom Fonts Support
4. Fluid Design Spacing
Easy Consistent Spacing throughout All the Website on any Screen Size
Select Needed Spacing in Standard Elementor Section Widget
Create Fancy Section Offsets and Overlaps
Spacing Presets Adjustable from Customizer
5. Adjustable Theme Colors
Pre-designed Colors Themes per each Page Section
Adjustment per each Accent Color from Customizer
6. Fullscreen Overlay Menu
Morphing Letters Effect
Unlimited Submenus
Predefined Color Themes per each Page
Menu Custom Background
Optional Menu Text Widgets
Social Media Icons
Switch between Fullscreen / Classic Menus
7. Essential Theme Features
Customizable Preloader
Images Lazy Loading
Dual Logo Versions
Self-hosted Video Backgrounds
Upload and Use Custom SVG Graphics
Google Maps with Multiple Custom Markers
Slug Customization for Custom Post Types
Translation Ready
Multi-lingual Website Support
8. No Coding Knowledge Required
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