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We created a lot of PrestaShop stores and we had many requests on simple and SEO Friendly mechanism to create more content in stores. Something like… Blog for PrestaShop – they don’t want install WordPress, they want to have something simple, and there is… PrestaHome Blog for PrestaShop – easy to manage, powerful solution, which help you to create more content in your store.



Version 1.7.2 - August 2, 2019
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few issues with gsitemap integration
Version 1.7.1 - July 28, 2019
[+] NEW: json-ld instead of schema.org using html markup
[+] NEW: blog posts and categories are now available in sitemap of your store

[*] IMPROVEMENT: properly cache recent posts
[-] BUGFIX: minor fix to facebook comments and localization
Version 1.7.0 - January 19, 2019
[+] NEW: Next/Prev post links are available now in single.tpl (code commented out at this moment)
[+] NEW: Add canonical URL to single blog page

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Blog for PrestaShop tab has its own icon in back-office on PS 1.7
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Compatibility with PHP 7.2

[-] BUGFIX: Fix checking is user is logged in for native comment system
[-] BUGFIX: Fix redirect after comment add
[-] BUGFIX: Fix compatibility with gsitemap v4.x (we'll index there from next update)
[-] BUGFIX: Fix tabs permissions for user different than SuperAdmin
[-] BUGFIX: Fix custom meta title for blog categories
[-] BUGFIX: Fix for saving post with invalid data
[-] BUGFIX: Fix uploading of featured image while adding a first draft of the post
[-] BUGFIX: Fix for adding related products while adding a first draft of the post
[-] BUGFIX: Fixes for SEO we do not allow /blog with trailing slash at the end of the URL anymore
[-] BUGFIX: Fix custom meta title not being used without custom description
[-] BUGFIX: Fix facebook og:image

...aaand we've added Authors tab, full featured management of Authors coming in next update! 
Version 1.6.4 - March 05, 2018
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to saving multi-lang posts and tags
[-] BUGFIX: PHP 5.4 support bugfix (from 2 months from now i'll drop support for PHP < 5.6)
Version 1.6.3 - March 04, 2018
[+] NEW: Added possibility to choose wether you want to share featured or thumbnail image on Facebook

[-] BUGFIX: Solved an issue with related products on PrestaShop 1.6
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues related to setLocale
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues related to URL routing
Version 1.6.0 - February 11, 2018
[+] NEW: PrestaShop 1.7 support

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Allowing comments to be automatically accepted is now available again
[*] IMPROVEMENT: "Recent posts" widget options are now under the "Configuration" of this widget
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Tons of improvements under the hood which will help me develop quicker in the future

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with some Notice errors in PS_DEV_MODE
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with loading SmartShortcode shortcodes
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with error while opening not accessible post for specific group
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few issues with PHP 7+
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with sharing blog posts on Facebook
[-] BUGFIX: Solved issues with Schema.org (Google Rich Snippets)
[-] BUGFIX: Solved issue with Redirect 301 on single post page
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues with pagination
[-] BUGFIX: Solved some issues with deleting/managing Covers, Featured images
Version 1.5.1 - May 30, 2016
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with pagination on PrestaShop
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few other problems related to post edition
Version 1.5.0 - 2015-08-25
[+] NEW: Better support for both VisualComposer and SmartShortcodes

[-] IMPROVEMENT: Compatibility check for
Version 1.4.1 - 2015-08-01
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with old category url redirection
[-] BUGFIX: Wrong URL to post category on single post page
Version 1.4.0 - 2015-06-22
[+] NEW: Disqus comments system

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Prevent possibility to delete one last category

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with bad breadcrumbs look on the blog homepage
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with redirect to 404 pages on non exists category
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with undefined variable notice in ph_relatedposts
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with non visible post title in Tags tab.
Version 1.3.7 - 2015-05-15
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Ajax search for related products
Version 1.3.6 - 2015-04-08
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with meta description for blog homepage
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with related products
Version 1.3.5 - 2015-03-13
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with Fancybox on PrestaShop v1.6.0.5
Version 1.3.4 - 2015-03-07
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with deletion of the Related Products
Version 1.3.3 - 2015-03-03
[+] NEW: 2 new widgets used for displaying post in column

[-] BUGFIX: Few small bugfixes
Version - 2015-02-27
[+] NEW: Import/Export settings

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Better managament of blog layout using Preferences -> Themes -> Advanced Settings
Note: Your theme must be compatible with this mechanism, it is standard since PrestaShop

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with ul/ol style in category description
Version - 2015-02-18
[-] BUGFIX: Solved fatal SQL error
[-] BUGFIX: Solved notice error in back-office with enabled PS_DEV_MODE
Version - 2015-02-06
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can now load product-list.tpl from your theme for Related Products
Version - 2015-02-05
[+] NEW: Comments are now available also for non logged-in users
[+] NEW: Spam protection provided by reCAPTCHA
Version - 2015-01-14
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can now mark post as featured from Admin Posts List

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with Related Posts layout
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with related products
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with Related Posts deletion
Version - 2015-01-07
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Move gallery/video below post content

[-] BUGFIX: No more javascript conflicts on post edit page
[-] BUGFIX: ul/ol are now handled properly in post content
Version - 2015-01-03
[+] NEW: Related Products
[+] NEW: Subcategories
[+] NEW: Possibility to hook Related Posts widget to displayRight(Left)Column and displayRight(Left)ColumnProduct
[+] NEW: Two configurable custom blocks for homepage (more coming soon)

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Now Related Posts supports layout with post types

[-] BUGFIX: Solved some problems with multi-store installation
Version - 2014-11-25
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Optimization for GDThumb plugin, images are now 50-70% smaller without quality loss
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Better integration with Schema.org

[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with wrong redirect posts with multi-lang, different link_rewrite
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with category HTML description
Version - 2014-11-22
[+] NEW: New hook for socialsharing icons etc.
[+] NEW: Compatibility with Schema.org Blog

[*] IMPROVEMENT: User now can disable loading assets too from Settings

[-] BUGFIX: og:image path is absolute now
[-] BUGFIX: better handling of update from to
Version - 2014-11-20
[*] IMPROVEMENT: For developers - added possibility to disable loading of assets (fitvids, font-awesome etc.)

[-] BUGFIX: Some W3C improvements
[-] BUGFIX: No more javascript errors on Firefox/IE
Version - 2014-10-31
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to Gallery Post Type
Version - 2014-10-27
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to external_url field
[-] BUGFIX: Critical bugfix related to recent posts
Version - 2014-10-20
[+] NEW: Post types: url, video, gallery

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Code cleaning

[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with futur publication date posts
[-] BUGFIX: Solved few problems with upgrade from earlier versions
Version - 2014-09-24
[-] BUGFIX: Solved problem with thumbnail regeneration
Version - 2014-09-24 (big update, you should make a backup!)
[+] NEW: Native comments system
[+] NEW: New look
[+] NEW: Now you can add article with future/past publication date
[+] NEW: Masonry layout
[+] NEW: Support for SmartShortcode module

[*] IMPROVEMENT: better manage access to articles
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Simple Blog was totally re-written in most part of code
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Responsive Facebook comments
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can set meta description for blog homepage
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can set different meta_title then title for articles

[-] BUGFIX: 10+ bugfixes (moduleRoutes, module tab, responsive errors etc.)
Version - 2014-07-01

[*] Special version which fix bug caused by 1-click autoupgrade to PrestaShop
Version - 2014-06-10
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Easily to find URL to your blog in back-office

[-] BUGFIX: Prevent this error: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-1811
[-] BUGFIX: Small issue with multi-store feature
Version - 2014-05-06
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Responsive views improvements

[-] BUGFIX: Small issue with multi-store feature
Version - 2014-04-01
[+] NEW: You can setup different number of columns for recent posts/related posts and category page
[+] NEW: You can setup default date format for posts

[*] IMPROVEMENT: We've added an icon for SimpleBlog in the left menu in PrestaShop 1.6
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Improved the look on version 1.6

[-] BUGFIX: A few problems with checking the compatibility version
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with grid equalHeight
Version - 2014.03.20
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with ph_relatedposts
Version - 2014.03.19
[+] NEW: For Theme Developers - you can use init/my-install.php file for using your own start configuration in your Theme (eg. image sizes)
[+] NEW: Set position for blog category by drag&drop mechanism, you can choose: sort by position, name or Category ID
[+] NEW: Now you can add cover image for blog category
[+] NEW: "Likes" system for single post (thanks to Marek Mnishek!)
[+] NEW: "Views" for single posts
[+] NEW: Featured images for single post now fully available for all of you

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Added the "Save and stay" when editing a blog category
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Added "View" on each row in SimpleBlog -> Categories

[-] BUGFIX: A few problems with checking the compatibility version
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with grid eqalHeight
Version - 2014.03.05
[+] NEW: Full support for PrestaShop 1.6

[-] BUGFIX: Custom CSS is not required anymore
[-] BUGFIX: Secure updates for unactive and unavailable for non-logged users posts
Version - 2014.02.28
[+] NEW: Custom CSS from Settings tab
[+] NEW: Define number of columns when using grid layout (2,3 or 4)
Version 1.1.9 - 2014.02.27
[+] NEW: Allow to add post visible only for registered and logged in customers

[*] IMPROVEMENT: Prepare for PrestaShop 1.6!

[-] BUGFIX: Some bugfixes related to PrestaShop v1.5.3
[-] BUGFIX: Cannot delete post with cover
[-] BUGFIX: Covers and featured images caching
Version 1.1.8 - 2014.02.16
[+] NEW: Dynamic templates for Developers - more details in Documentation -> For theme developers
[+] NEW: View icon on SimpleBlog Posts List

[*] IMPROVEMENT: huge improvements for SEO and multi-lang support (redirects from lang2lang, non-isset rewrites etc.)
[*] IMPROVEMENT: Duplication of Init Facebook Connect can be disabled in SimpleBlog -> Settings

[-] BUGFIX: Bad redirects from lang to lang from blocklanguages
[-] BUGFIX: Facebook comments and share buttons issues
[-] BUGFIX: FontAwesome issues
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with data filtering on AdminSimpleBlogPostController
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with post thumbnails on Back-Office
[-] BUGFIX: Issues with equalHeight Grid on Tablets and Phones
Version 1.1.6 - 2014.02.10
[*] IMPROVEMENT: You can transplant SimpleBlog Categories block to homepage, right column or you can use just {hook h='displaySimpleBlogCategories'}

[-] BUGIFX: Remove some debug strings from package... sorry for that.
[-] BUGFIX: Translations for "SimpleBlog -> Settings" are possible now. Thanks to @matrixsoft for message about this bug!
Version 1.1.5 - 2014.02.06
[+] NEW: New widget - Related Posts, link your posts to products and display them on product page

[*] IMPROVEMENT: HTML on category description
[*] IMPROVEMENT: More detailed documentation

[-] BUGFIX: Multi-store feature bugfixes
Version 1.1.4 - 2014.02.04
[+] NEW: Polish (pl_PL) translation

[*] IMPROVEMENT: display category description by default
[*] IMPROVEMENT: documentation improvements

[-] BUGFIX: pagination on category fixed
[-] BUGFIX: fixed problems with meta tags
Version 1.1.3 - 2014.02.03
[+] first release

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Item Information

Last Update: October 16, 2023
Released: February 9, 2021
